How To Disable Incognito Mode Chrome


Want to stop the use of Incognito Mode from the Google Chrome browser on your PC, today we are going to show you How To Disable Incognito Mode Chrome following this steps.

Most of us have children and want to know what they are doing while be on Computer

disable chrome Incognito will prevent your kids from secret browse

How To Disable Incognito Mode Chrome Google

Windows 7

  1. Press Windows key and "R" at the same time
  2. Write “regedit“ and press Enter
  3. Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “SOFTWARE” > “Policies” > “Google” > “Chrome
  4. Press Right click on “Chrome” and choose “New” > “DWORD 32-bit value
  5. Rename the value “IncognitoModeAvailability
  6. Double-click on “IncognitoModeAvailability“. A box will appear where you can set the value data to “1“.
  7. Restart the computer and the Incognito Mode will be disabled


Windows 10

  1. Press Windows key and "R" at the same time
  2. Write “regedit“ and press Enter
  3. Go to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” > “SOFTWARE” > “Google” > “Chrome
  4. Press Right click on “Chrome” and choose “New” > “DWORD 32-bit value
  5. Rename the value “IncognitoModeAvailability
  6. Double-click on “IncognitoModeAvailability“. A box will appear where you can set the value data to “1“.
  7. Restart the computer and the Incognito Mode will be disabled



  1. “.
  2. Open the “Terminal” application.
  3. Write "defaults write IncognitoModeAvailability -integer 1" then press “Enter
  4. Restart your Mac. The Incognito Mode will be disabled.

If you want to enable the Chrome Incognito Mode again following the same steps and change the value to "0











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