Here's a step-by-step guide to transfer Crypto from Binance to PayPal Instantly:
• Signup for an account on the website:
• Once on the homepage, select the cryptocurrency you'd like to trade and choose whether you prefer to receive funds in PayPal or Payoneer.
• In the subsequent page, input the amount you plan to trade and proceed further.
• Following that, you will be prompted to enter your email address, as well as your PayPal or Payoneer email (based on your previous selection), and then continue to the next page.
• The payment page will then generate a wallet address corresponding to the chosen cryptocurrency. Copy this address and paste it into your Binance wallet to facilitate the crypto transfer.
• After completing the transfer, upload a proof of payment and paste the transaction ID before clicking 'confirm'. You can expect to see the funds in your PayPal or Payoneer account within 10-30 minutes, once the payment is Confirmed.